Q-100 Videos
Live 100 years old with quality of life. No chronic diseases. No pills. Eat Plants
Code Blue
Did Bill Clinton Go Vegan?
Why Did Steve Jobs Die?
Dr. Dean Ornish discussed the struggle to get The Message
Dr. John McDougall on The Food We Were Born to Eat
Dr. Neal Barnard – Cure Your Diabetes
Dr. Neal Barnard the Cheese Trap = Break the Addiction
Game Changers
Running for Good – Story of a Vegan Ultra-Marathoner
Where The Hell Is Matt?
94 years old Matilda’s dance performance – “If she can get around this well at 94, then maybe there is some hope for rest of us.”Meet 105-year Old Vegan Cyclist Broke World Record
It’s good to be young. Just keep moving even you are a bit more matured than these kids in the video. “Korean Taekwondo shuffle street dance (Martial art)”
Have Purpose
The Four Principles of Spirituality – Buddhist Song And Indian Spirituality
Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+: Meet the Blue Zones People
Ikigai – The Secret to a Purposeful Life
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“Your acupuncture pain treatment changed my life.”
“When I came to my first appointment, six months ago, I was experiencing migraine headaches for days at a time, high blood pressure, a looming immune disorder that was thought to be Lupus like my mother, and on top of that, I had been scheduled for a complete knee replacement. My hope was that he could just help me manage the pain until my surgery date three months out. I had no idea, at the time, what I was about to learn and how it would change my life.
Within weeks, Steve managed my knee pain and healed the soft tissue meniscus tears, but more amazing was how the new diet he put me on transformed my life and took away my migraines. The Whole-foods, Plant-based Lifestyle he advocated simply lowered my blood pressure and immune disorder blood counts, so much so that I am no longer on medication. I cancelled my knee surgery and have renewed energy. Think about that.
At sixty years of age I feel like I’ve gotten a second chance at life.”